Srinagar, Feb 16 (KNO): School Education has ordered to replace physical tasks with electronic ones by switching over to e-office mode by March-31 at directorate level to CEO level and April 30 at zonal and cluster head level respectively.
According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Administrative Secretary School Education Department Piyush Singla had ordered all the subordinate offices of the School Education Department to switch over to e-office mode with immediate effect.
Singla in a circular issued on Thursday directed that the process of switching over to e-office at directorate level to CEO level shall be completed before March-31 and upto zonal level, cluster head level by or before April-30 respectively.
“Accordingly, with a view to ensuring a complete switch over to e-office mode, from physical files and Daks, it is enjoined upon all the subordinate offices of School Education Department to switch over to e-office mode with immediate effect and complete the whole process as per the directives,” it reads.
Singla further said that wherever necessary, Directors shall also identify the areas and assignments where the record needs to be routed through both physical and online modes.
The circular said that the government and General Administration Department previously had directed all the department to switch over to e-office mode of working with the assistance and handholding from the IT department by way of facilitating them with VPN connections, creation of email IDs and training of the local admins etc—(KNO)